Monday, September 29, 2014

Started From The Bottom.. What We Can Learn

So what happened to the murder of Jose Diaz? How is this connected to the Zoot Suit Riots? And more importantly, what can others learn from the Zoot Suit Riots? First. The murder of Jose Diaz basically remains an unsolved mystery today. There were 12 suspects who were tried and convicted of the murder but were later released due to lack of evidence. The Zoot Suit Riots and the Sleepy Lagoon murder case are connected because without Sleepy Lagoon and the suspicion of Mexican Americans(guilty before convicted), there might not have been the Zoot Suit Riots. What can we learn is an open minded question. You can take the story of both Sleepy Lagoon and the Zoot Suit Riots and chalk it up as bad luck for those individuals. Or you can apply the Sleepy Lagoon/Zoot Suit Riots into today's society. Individuals who were assumed to be one thing but were eventually harassed and beaten up for being something that clashes with the dominant society. Only time will learn if we as a people overall will learn from our previous mistakes or repeat the process over again.

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